External Ministries

External Ministry Annual Report


If there is one thing we can say about New Hope, it is we are an outward looking congregation. We are active in the community. We are the hands and feet of Christ. This past year we have had two major service projects. The Chili Cook Off saw 55 people help us support the Twin Lakes Food Pantry with $300 in funds and $150 in food goods. During our event, a relationship was formed between two celebrity cooks, Patty Godlove of the Twin Lakes Food Pantry and Dr. Teresa Gremaux, Superintendent of North White Schools. Out of that relationship, a food pantry was founded at North White to serve their families in need. God is good! In September, we had the privilege of serving our local First Responders breakfast and supplying them with the devotional,”Strength for Service to God and Community”. Over three mornings, we were blessed to serve around 60 police, fire, EMT and dispatch personnel from across White County.


We are also present in the community in several other ways. The last Wednesday of each month, we travel to Monticello Healthcare and host Bingo for the residents. We have our Funeral Ministry, hosting families who have lost loved ones who may not have a home church, providing them with a place to gather and celebrate the life of their deceased. In April, we had our Annual Fish Fry and served 155 people. In August, we re-established our Hog Roast. We passed  out M&Ms at the “Spirit of Monticello Festival”, and this year we had such a great success that we ran out of them by 2:00 Saturday afternoon! We give financial support through our Noisy Offering to White County Weekly Religious Education, Shop with a Cop and Purdue Lutheran Ministry. We give Prayer support to Jeff Truscott, Kathleen Lutz and Douglas Mmari as well as Bishop Bill Gafkjen, the Indiana-Kentucky Synod and our Monticello Community.


We will continue to do outreach. As we look forward to being church in the world, we all are encouraged to continue the disciplines we learned as we entered into the Transformational Ministry process we call CONNECT:

  • Engage in a daily time of prayer.
  • Spend time each day in the Word.
  • Look for times where God is active around you.
  • Be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit as He guides you through your day.

Through these disciplines, we will strengthen our faith and grow the gifts we have been given by our Creator. Through our faith, we are enabled and energized to serve. Paul tell us there are many parts but one body. We are many parts. But as we get together in service, we are one body, serving God, showing the love of Jesus to our neighbors. We can impact the world around us. How great is our God who grants us the chance to be His hands and feet, to make a difference and to demonstrate the power found in Good News of our Savior. We do this together while “ Sharing God’s gifts with all, proclaiming new hope in Jesus”.